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  • Hello Roborock! Loving my Q Revo so far!

    Though it got me wondering, is there any chance the antibacterial cleaner sold overseas will make its way over to the US? I'd love to have the option in combination with the Omo cleaner.

    Also, will the silver ion block come over to the US as well? I feel like those may really help som people who are worried about potential mold growth. I only found it by accident on AliExpress, but also realized it looks like it would fit perfect in the bottom of the clean water tank on the Q Revo dock.

    I'm excited to see what the future brings! Keep up the good work!

  • Roborock says “Positioning, please wait” and goes in circles

    mini08/27/2020      11:44

    yeah! so cute and smart

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  • Здравствуйте!

    Интересует Roborock S5 Max. В нашей стране много кто продаёт, но везде разная информация.

    Резервуар для воды на 290 мл или 280 мл?

    Время работы при влажной уборке 120 или 150 минут?

    Время зарядки 3 часа или 6 часов?

    У всех разная информация и точно ответить никто не может.

    В одном месте сказали, что Roborock s5 Max новая поставка с обновлением 2.0, но больше никто из продавцов не знает как это посмотреть. В 2.0 обновлены моторчики?

    Так-же только один продавец сказал, что у него модель 2020 года, но другие только присылают ссылку на ваш сайт.

    Заранее багодарю за ответ.

    RR_DiscussionStaff Member05/27/2020      11:03

    Hello, here are the info you'd like to know about our S5 MAX: 290ml electric water tank, 150 of non-stop cleaning, 360 minutes full charging time. 

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  • hope every bodys doing great thanks for this

  • I just received the H7 Pure stick vacuum promo with my new S7 MaxV Ultra. It doesn't have a wall mounted charger. Roborock Support said they have none for sale as an accessory. Anyone out there has one you might want to sell. Let me know at tomgillane1@gmail.com.

    markjasmine05/26/2022      18:45


  • Maybe you too will be useful, I'm a couple of years ago engaged in installing solar panels and the main reason for repairs and breakdowns is the improper care of solar panels, I can recommend a resource on proper battery cleaning, if properly select the care of your panels, they will last much longer and repairs are not useful. 

  • Why evebody write abracadabra in this topic? 😪

  • Hi, every one i am new i this forum

  • Just dropped in to say how much I'm loving my Roborock - it's like having a little robot buddy who's obsessed with clean floors. Anyone else feel like their vacuum is part of the family, or is it just me getting too attached to tech gadgets? On a side note, I've been curious about something. Has anyone tried using different cleaning solutions in their Roborock? I'm thinking of experimenting with some homemade concoctions (nothing too crazy, I promise!). Would love to hear if anyone's gone the DIY route and what your experiences were like!


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