Could not reach a specified room

Could not reach a specified room

When I try to use the mihome app to send the vacuum to clean a specific room, it initially acts like it's working, only it pauses shortly after leaving the dock, spins around and says, "Could not reach the specified room, going back to the dock." I've tried resetting the wifi and the same issue keeps happening. This has never happened before. What should I do?

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  • We are sorry for the trouble you are facing.

    May i know if there is a door closed before where robot says could not reach ? could you tell us model number of your device?  It is suggested to let robot do a full cleaning instead of zone cleaning or selective room cleaning so that robot will know the door is open and all becomes normal.

    If the issue persists, you could contact our support email:

    Rachel12/02/2020      18:18

    I am also having this issue with my S4. There is nothing in its way at all, and the room's door is wide open. It cleaned my entire apartment last night with no issue, but today, it won't clean my bathroom. It only gets about 4 inches away from the dock before it says it cannot reach the room and turns around and redocks again. I also tried manually moving it further away from the dock, but it did the same thing. There are no obstacles in its way. It thinks the door is closed to the bathroom. If I ask it to clean the kitchen (no door there), it goes and does that fine, but it thinks my bathroom door is closed, even though it isn't, and I'm not sure how to reset that.

    RR_SupportStaff Member12/03/2020      11:11

    Go to cleaning history and send us a problematic cleanup map, please mark the bathroom on the map.

    Use wet cloth to clean the wall sensor and cliff sensors. Try to set zone cleaning with bathroom included and verify whether it works.

    Jk12/19/2020      20:36

    Hi I'm having the same exact problem. Tried cleaning the sensors but it is still happening. Robot leaves the dock then just stops for a minute, and goes directly back to the dock saying Could Not Reach Room

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  • So I had this issue with my S7 Ultra. Cleaned sensors and the problem persisted. Then realized that the sunlight coming through my blinds and casting a shadow, was confusing the sensors. Closed the blinds and everything went back to normal.

    Amal Salstrom
    Amal Salstrom05/06/2024      04:58

    Your blog is like a breath the eleanor dc of fresh air in a crowded online space.

  • I have the same issue first. But then I realized I set the room as no mop in the app but I have the mop module attached. After removing mop module, problem fixed. I guess it's not automatic detection after all. I have a S5 Max btw.

    RR_SupportStaff Member03/26/2022      10:59

    Hi, thanks for sharing that information with us! It's very helpful!

  • Hi! You solved my problem, the same.

    Thanks a lot!

  • I am having the same problem with an S7 The room was carpeted. We remodeled, I removed the carpet designation and now the robot will not go to the room. Leaves dock by about 18" and then returns. It is cleaning other areas.

    RR_SupportStaff Member10/29/2022      17:17

    Hi, thanks for reaching out. Would you please send us a screenshot to show the history cleanup map when the issue last happened?

  • I just started having the same issue this evening. Is there a solution for this?

    RR_SupportStaff Member12/17/2022      16:33

    The cause for the issue may be different. Would you please send a screenshot of the history cleanup map when the issue last occured for reference? Please also mark on the map the specified room.

  • Physically pick the vacuum up and sit it in the room. Then request cleaning. After that it will go you the area upon request.

  • Hello, I encountered a similar issue beginning last week with my S7, which had been functioning smoothly until then. It had successfully performed full cleaning as well as selective room cleaning. However, last week, the robot refused to clean one of the rooms, with the reason as "unable to reach the target," despite the door being wide open. It's quite frustrating. I've tired to remap the whole area multiple times, but the problem persists. I've also cleaned the robot's censors. I noticed that the room with the black line is marked as "cannot reach."


    RR_SupportStaff Member11/26/2023      07:48

    Hello, thanks for the response. Would you pls do a round of full house clenaing to see if it works?

  • Having the same problem. After many selective room cleanings, suddenly it cannot reach a specified room. I did troubleshooting, restarted the app, cleared cache, restarted the phone, more importantly ways to update the map for that room (couldn't find any), nothing worked.

    However, I'm guessing, what "may" be the problem. What changed with respect to this room in the robot's map?

    In the selective cleaning for this room, I did this. During the cleaning, as was cleaning near the usually open door to the room, I closed it so that it could clean the small area behind it, which it cannot when the door is open. After it was done, I opened the door so that to allow it to return.

    Perhaps, the self-learning, A.I. implementations, call it what you will, makes it believe that the door to the room is now closed. I really don't know if this is the reason, but this is the only "change" I can think of which may have affected the product with respect to its operation, thereby "thinking" that it cannot reach the room.

    Therefore, I believe this is possibly a software issue with respect to learning and readjusting, as it admirably does, when it encounters moved chairs, etc.

    But perhaps, the problem is not clearly ironed out when it comes to the overall map. Is it that the software's learning algorithm still things the door is closed, therefore it has decided it cannot go there?

    Surely, the software logs / diagnostics should help?

    RR_SupportStaff Member11/26/2023      07:48

    Hello, thanks for the response. Have you tried a full house cleaning to see if the machine can reach all the rooms?


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