S7 selective room stopped working after updates with strange positioning behavior

S7 selective room stopped working after updates with strange positioning behavior

I just updated my app and firmware and now when I select rooms it says "Starting selective room cleaning", than moves out of the dock and says "Positioning" (this never happened before). With positioning it thinks it is an a completely different place of the house each time, this is very strange because the base is fixed and I never moved it for aprox. 1 year. I need help to make my robot back to work.

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  • I discovered a hack to fix with the support chat. Just put your robot 1 meter away from the dock and press the dock button, it will position itself. The first time I tried it failed, but then I put a bit closer and worked on the second try.

    RR_SupportStaff Member01/12/2023      16:09

    Hi, thanks for updates! For more help, feel free to reach out to our support team via livechat or support@roborock.com


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