Side brush stuck in carpet

Side brush stuck in carpet

Since the roborok can sense when it is on carpet, can it be programmed to turn off the side brush while on carpet? The side brush can easily get tangled up in carpet and this would alleviate that issue. For reference I have the s6 pure.

You can share this article on the community website!

  • Bought a S4Max from Amazon last week. Have the same issue. All my bedrooms have medium pile carpet and the side brush kept getting entangled on the carpet strands and would not move. This is a poorly designed side brush design. I have used many different robo vacuums and none had this issue. Its a deal breaker for my house which is half wall to wall carpet.

    RR_SupportStaff Member12/24/2020      14:42

    Hi, please email us via with the picture of the tangled side brush and purchase info.

    Our agent will give you a proper solution.

  • I also face with the side brush issue on mid pile carpet. Topic has been open for almost 1 year, but no improvements!. Actually I just bought s5 max for such carpets and disappointed. Using no go zones can not be a solution,

    RR_SupportStaff Member01/21/2021      16:37

    Maybe you can send us a picture to show the carpet so that we can see if there's any suggestion we can make.

  • Just purchased an S7+. Have this exact problem. I’m very disappointed that this issue clearly has been going on for over a year, yet lip service is only given. When are you going to listen to us?

  • I bought this to vacuum carpet as well as hardwood floors. Pleeeeeaaasssse add this as a feature. My S6 is USELESS on carpet!

    RR_SupportStaff Member12/03/2020      09:44

    Noted that. We will forward it to our RD team.

    Timbo12/07/2020      01:28

    Just got this vacuum too, and this feature would be awesome! Please add it either via thick carpet detection, or maybe something similar to no mop zone (no side brush zone).

  • Roborock, can you please tell us why you suggest private emails with pictures to every single person addressing this problem, instead of just adding a software feature that's called "No Side Brush Zone" and just disable the rotation of the side brush for this area?

    I have just purchased and set up the very new Roborock Q7 Max and have the exact same problem. First run, long hair carpet, got stuck and nearly ruined the brush.

    Please do not reply with a support email suggestion, but with a mobile app release roadmap, when this feature is going to be added.

    Thank you.

    RR_SupportStaff Member04/20/2022      13:09

    Hi, thanks for reaching out. We are sorry to hear that you're having the trouble with the device. There's another type of side brush that may work better with some carpet. We regret and apologize that the feature you mentioned are currently not available. I will forward this to the relevant team. Hopefully, they will be able to manage them in the future, though I cannot say for certain when or if this will occur.

    Thank you for your patience and for being a valued customer.

  • Just spent $1400 on a robot that is worthless on carpet my $200 robot vacuumed fine. 🤬

    RR_SupportStaff Member06/02/2022      16:17

    Hi, thanks for reaching out. We are sorry to hear that you're having the trouble with the device. There's another type of side brush that may work better with some carpet. Would you please try and get in touch with to get further assistance?

  • Add me to this list too. Add this feature already. It's the top search result when you google "Roborock forum". If all users of your extremely expensive product are asking for this basic feature, you should have added it already. Rorobock currently does not work on medium-height carpets. There's a 90% chance that it will get tangled/stuck. Just add this optional feature already, so we can disable the side brush on certain carpets. It's not that hard to add.

  • Hi,

    It does not support this feature, instead, you can use invisible walls or no go zones to avoid the carpet.

    See pic attached.

    And we will forward this request to our R&D team and hope that they can add it in the future, but for now, we cannot promise anything.

  • I'd also like to express interest in this feature. I have an area rug and the S6 Pure will REGULARLY get tangled on the pile. The only options I currently have are:

    1) have it not clean the rug

    2) remove the brush

    Both of these greatly reduces the usefulness of the Roborock.

    RR_SupportStaff Member12/08/2020      15:04

    Please send us a picture of the carpet and the tangled side brush.

    Where and when did you purchase the robot?

    CK12/24/2020      17:51

    Hi, I sent you a private message on the forums.

    RR_SupportStaff Member11/21/2021      15:20

    Hi, thanks for your reply. We may not be able to track the private message on the forums.

    Can you please share a picture of how your carpet and the tangled side brush here? Another type of side brush may probably help address the issue.

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  • I'm going to ditto this request for another option to turn the rubber sweeper off when on carpet. Yesterday our E4 got twisted and stuck 4 times in medium pile carpet, and even had a piece of the brush break off because it couldn't be unentangled from the carpet. I have removed the brush, but plan to return my purchase if I can't find a remedy.

    RR_SupportStaff Member12/25/2020      12:21

    Sorry, there is no option to disable side brush.

    As mentioned above, we suggest you email us with the picture of the tangled side brush and purchase info.

  • My S5 Max also gets the side brush stuck on our carpet. For me, the best solution is to just remove the side brush when using it on our carpet, I hope that they can fix the issue with programming, but for now I just take the brush off.

  • This should have been developed a year ago. This is about the most basic feature. On my first day of use one of the rubber arms rip off because it was tangled and strangled on the edge of medium carpet. Pretty disappointing.

    RR_SupportStaff Member12/29/2020      08:45

    Hi all, noted that, sorry for the inconvenience caused here. We will forward it to RD team.

  • Please solve the issue of side brush getting twisted and tangled in high pile carpet. I am about to order a new side brush as this one is Damaged on one leg.

    Also, so you sell pack of side brushes as this gets Stuck often and damaging the side brush on high pile carpet?

    I have S6MaxV .

    RR_SupportStaff Member12/31/2020      11:03

    Hello, please email us with the picture of the tangled side brush, serial number and purchase info, our agent will give you a proper solution. The email address is

  • I also have an s5 max that is also stuck in carpet with high hair ... when I clean the carpet I have to remove the side brush ... would I put this on the schedule?

    RR_SupportStaff Member01/16/2021      14:49

    What do you mean put this on the schedule?Also, you can set no go zone around the carpet area so that the robot won't go there and get itself stuck.

    Besides, where and when did you purchase this robot?

  • Hi, I also have an s5 max that is also stuck in carpet with long pile. It is carpet in the whole room so it can't be blocked. Attached is a picture. An option to disable the sweep brush for a room would be a great feature. I have to remove the brush in order to clean the room now and is very inconvenient.

    Thank you,

    RR_SupportStaff Member01/26/2021      05:03

    We suggest you contact to get further assistance.

    Pls also send the purchase information and SN of your device to the e-mail.

    Open the cover of the device and take out the dustbin.

    There's a barcode on the bottom of the device (not on dustbin). The SN is under the barcode like R0201S82418800.

  • I have the same issue. The side brush get severely tangled in the carpet and it's a chore to get it untangled.

    RR_SupportStaff Member03/25/2021      14:09

    We suggest you contact to get further assistance.

    Pls also send the purchase information and SN of your device to the e-mail.

    Open the cover of the device and take out the dustbin.

    There's a barcode on the bottom of the device (not on dustbin). The SN is under the barcode like R0201S82418800.

  • Just purchased S4 Max this week. The side brush got tangled in the rug every time in ran over it. Had to put in a No-Go zone to avoid this. Needing a feature to disable side brush on carpet. Is there an option to replace the rubber side brush with something that doesn't get hung up on carpet?

    RR_SupportStaff Member05/16/2021      01:20

    Hi, thanks for reaching out. I'm sorry there's no such feature to disable side brush on carpet now. We'll forward you feedback to our tech team. We suggest you contact to get further assistance in regard to the side brush issue.

  • I have the same issue with a new Roborock S7. I have had it two days and it has gotten stuck both the area rug in the living room and the bathroom rug about 6-7 times. Not sure if I am going to keep it. Doesn't look like Roborock is doing much to address the issue. Has anyone gotten any positive results from taking a picture contacting support?

    RR_SupportStaff Member06/19/2021      15:34

    Hi, thanks for reaching out.

    If the hair is not too long, we do have another type of brush that can work well on some of the carpet. Maybe you can contact to get prompter reply.

    Best regards.

  • This is happening on my Roborock S7 that I just bought.

    It got stuck on the carpet in its first few minutes of operation; and this is a newly carpeted/cleaned room.

    This is not good.

    RR_SupportStaff Member07/14/2021      10:12

    Hi, we apologize for the inconvenience caused. If the hair is not too long, we have another type of brush that can work well on some of the carpet. Maybe you can contact to get assistance in regard to that kind of side brush.

    Best regards.

  • I recently bought a Roborock S7 due to the good review from my friend. Unfortunately, on the first day of using it, the side brush got stuck in the carpet. The side brush was damaged. Since then, I would not use it to clean the carpet as it keeps getting stuck. It would have been better if the side brush could be turned off manually from the App or programed not to function on carpets.

    It was quite disappointing having it being damaged on the first used! Other than that, it cleaned the house well.

    RR_SupportStaff Member09/15/2021      16:28

    Hi, thanks for reaching out. Please contact to get further assistance. Please also provide them with your purchase info and device SN.


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