Cleaning multiple floors

Cleaning multiple floors

Is it possible to have the Roborock clean the upstairs during the day and moving it to the 1st floor at night? Will it map the 2 different floors on the app? Right now it's been on the 1st love love the Roborock!!

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  • Same question. I might just do it to see what it does.

  • Robot doesn't support multi-floor map saving yet. It will recreate a new map and delete barrier or no-go-zone you set before once you move it to another floor. If not, please reset map manually to avoid map duplicated, or robot will get confused. Besides, remember to bring the dock together with robot to another floor.

    For multiple map saving suggestion, we will forward your advice to our developing department and hope they will add this feature in the future.

    Ddieter12/14/2019      13:33

    Cant be hard to program: button with "create new room" on the exiting map (it doesnt even have to create a second map) and with the GoTo option you have to manually move the cleaner to that room ...

    Thom12/18/2019      17:00

    The dev dept didnt think that far. Although I hope they are working on it as it shouldn't be too hard, although there might be a base problem with how they wrote the programming when they tried to implement it. Also, there would have to be a max space it can handle due to memory and/or cloud integration. Its never so easy.

    If roborock wants to hire me as a contractor to implement it, I would do it. Always like a side hustle that benefits me in not just money but a better product that I use everyday.


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