Sq Ft (Imperial) instead of Sq M (Metric)

Sq Ft (Imperial) instead of Sq M (Metric)

Hi. I have an S5 Max on the latest firmware and latest iOS Mi Home app with multiple floors set up. I had switched units to square feet and that worked, but recently it switched to meters and the menu item to switch back seems to be gone. I think it used to be in vacuum settings under DND, but that’s the last item in the list and no more units switch. Not sure what happened. What am I missing??

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  • Hello,

    Sorry, the Mi Home app does not support this feature, instead the Roborock app supports.

    everett12/29/2020      02:43

    I own a 250 dollar robot that cannot use the roborock app. Instead I have to find my way through the unnecessary mi home app and then just roughly convert metric to standard becuase I live in America. This needs to be fixed. I do not have any other mi home products and I will not. I do not need to use the entire app when there is a perfectly fine roborock app that I cant use, why?

    RR_SupportStaff Member12/29/2020      08:51

    What is the model number of your device?


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